Following the Rules, Especially Now

I listened to a podcast today by some academic librarians about fair use rules now in the pandemic.

I think the rules – like the ones we follow at work or at home – are especially important to consider, maybe even to follow, because they provide structure and continuity but also because eventually, we will return to something like normal life and when we do, how we behaved under the pandemic conditions will matter. And living in “unprecedented times” actually demands more from us: more consideration, more decorum, more civility and thinking through the implications of choices and decisions and behavior.

“The virus is looking for a place to jump from one person to another. That’s it. And that’s why distancing, masking, and hygiene work. If we do those three things, the virus literally has no place to go.” ( Lloyd, 2020, New York Times)


Lloyd, R. (2020, July 20). What Is It That Keeps Most Little Kids From Getting Covid-19? The New York Times. Retrieved from