Travels with E (Day 119)

Monday, 21 November, 2022 – We did not text with Elias but I think he may be back in Bangkok. It’s Tuesday afternoon where he is, so maybe he’ll get in another couple of days of good food. He leaves on Friday morning!

Here’s a few pictures he uploaded from the day before yesterday. I hope he is having as much fun as he looks like he is. (I think he is beautiful.)

I think I might have been wrong about the school where Libby is. There’s actually quite a lot of colleges and universities in Chiang Mai. I happened to screen shot him once today – or maybe it was yesterday? – and I think he may have been here:

With David and my friend Courtney’s help, I got my job application turned in, so I am not feeling so terrible now. I hate looking at my resume and struggling to write a cover letter, but I always feel better when I get one finished, if only because it means I have not given up hope of something better.