Travels with E (Day 95)

Friday, 28 October, 2022 – It is Saturday right now. I missed writing on Friday for a silly reason: I donated blood and it wiped me out. I was so drained, literally and figuratively, that I did not even clean up after dinner. (My children will know what that means.)

In any case, Elias spent his last day in Lyon yesterday, before going to Paris and then he’ll be off to Thailand. This is our brief exchange today:

Me: I hope the trip to Paris is easy tomorrow. You’re almost there! I love you.
Elias: Thanks I think it should be okay. There’s a bus at 8:45 from here to the metro stop. I’m getting very excited for Thailand, especially the food I found a bunch of the places Anthony bourdain liked in chiang mai.
Me: Wow. How fun. What an adventure. A whole new place to explore. I don’t think it’s the little village I knew in 1986.
Elias: Most definitely not. I think it’s changed to something unrecognizable for people who went 10 years ago.

I am not sure where he went on Friday but I took a screen capture of my phone twice.

I am not sure if he went into the restaurant, next to the boulangerie, but there’s a Moroccan restaurant next door that looks really good. It is called El Andalous.