Travels with E (Day 4)

Friday, 29 July, 2022 – First, a word of explanation: I refer to E as “E” because on the off-chance this blog is picked up by search engines, I don’t want him to rise to the top of a search, at least without him knowing about it and approving it.

Second, a confession: I am using Google maps and geolocation services to … um, track? Stalk? Follow? I do not want to demand that I am kept apprised of every movement but I do find it comforting to be able to picture him, where he is.

Therefore, some, maybe most, of these posts are going to contain screen captures of places and links to maps, though E has not sent them. In other words, I am only guessing that he was on these specific roads, or in front of these specific shops. But I think I got in the general vicinity, at least enough to feel I am traveling with him, a little.

He said he was going to get a bicycle and ride around the city. These are shots of the area around where he was staying, so I figure there’s a good chance he saw streets like this.