Travels with E (Day 60)

Friday, 23 September, 2022 – Elias is fighting off a cold, apparently; he’s worried it is the same thing that Ian and Kelsey had. They spent several days down for the count so he said he’s trying to rest a little.

Elias: I booked a reallly nice place jn Salerno I thought you’d like to see. I figured I’d treat myself to a few days by the beach and get to see amalfi since it’s close:

Me: Wow. That’s so nice. I am so glad you’re doing that. Is that where you’re going after Prague?

Elias: I’m going to Vienna for a couple days then to Venice. I’m going to bounce around Italy until the 25th or so then work my way back through Monaco, Nice, and Marseilles before paris on the first then fly to Bangkok on the 3rd.

Me: What did you do today?

Elias: I had a reservation at a Czech restaurant so pretty much just ate lunch and walked around a little. I’m going to see the Dancjng House since it’s famous and I haven’t seen it but not much else. I started getting a little sick when I got here so I’ve been taking it easier besides that night out.

Me: Oh goodness. Good thinking. Being sick would be hard.

Elias: It’s just a cold right now but Ian and Kelsey got really sick and it started like that.

Dancing House

So, “Dancjng” is a typo. It is in fact, “Dancing House.” It’s a building in Prague and an architectural attraction, designed by Vlado Milunić and Frank O. Gehry.

Credit: Prague Tourist Information

Walk to the Castle

He said yesterday that he walked to the castle. I looked up what that meant; “the castle” is the Prague Castle, a 9th century castle that now houses the office of the Czech president.

I could not find a website that gave me a sense of the walk Elias did. So I resorted to a YouTube video called Walking in Prague. (I cued it up to the part where the walk up to the castle starts but if you want to watch an hour and 14 minutes of video, be my guest. It seems like a good snapshot of the city, but I am not up to watching anything that long, after a long day already. Maybe later.)

Credit: Prague Best Places